When my coworker and I bought our ingredients for our first stab at home brew, we bought 2 yeast packs: WYeast’s 3711 and White Lab’s 568. We used the 3711 in the first batch, and having the extra vial of yeast encouraged us to get to brewing our second batch as soon as possible. Four weeks later, we brewed the ‘Belgian version’ of Pappy.
Brew Date: April 26, 2015
Bottling Date: May 20, 2015
10.5 lbs Pilsner malt
2 lbs Wheat malt
1 lb Wildflower honey
1.5 oz Azacca @ 20 min
2.5 oz Azacca @ 5 min
Mash @ 155F for 60 min, boil 90 min
WLP568 (Belgian Saison) – fermented at 67F
OG: 1.052 FG: 1.010 IBU: 30-ish
This brew day had a major hiccup. We noticed after the wort chiller had been running for a while that the liquid level seemed to have risen during cooling. With concern, we lifted the chiller up to find it was leaking quite profusely. We repaired the chiller and continued on but we had over a gallon of water from the backyard hose in our beer, plus it sat at around 140F for 15 minutes while we feverishly fixed the chiller. Whether this is entirely to blame for the DMS issue in this batch or not I can’t tell you, but it did have DMS. Also we mashed awfully high for the style which resulted in a pretty high FG for a saison.
Tasting Notes
[Mar 8, 2016] Down to my last two bottles. Other than the DMS which never went away, this has otherwise developed nicely, with a puffy white head which dissipates to lacing after a few minutes, crisp body and nice yeast profile. The DMS wouldn’t be totally out of place in some lagers, but here it just doesn’t fit in. Drinkable but flawed. It took quite a few months to get to the point I was willing to drink the whole bottle though.